types of dental fillings

types of dental fillings

Silver amalgam fillings

Silver amalgam fillings are sometimes referred to as “metal” or “amalgam” fillings. This type of filling is a mixture of metals such as silver, tin, copper, and mercury. Mercury is a liquid metal that is mixed with the other metals to create a soft, durable filling.

Gold fillings

Gold fillings are durable, long-lasting, and resistant to corrosion. They don’t contain any metal, so they won’t expand or contract when exposed to extreme temperatures. They’re commonly used on back teeth, but can be made for front teeth, too.

Gold fillings are strong, but they don’t have the aesthetic appeal of composite fillings.

Tooth-colored fillings

Tooth-colored fillings, also sometimes referred to as white fillings, are made from composite resin. This material is matched very closely to the shade of your natural teeth, so it will blend in beautifully. The resin can also be used to repair slightly chipped teeth, and it can also be used to replace old silver fillings.

Dental crowns

Dental crowns are another common type of dental restoration. They cover the entire tooth, protecting it from further damage. Crowns are an ideal solution from the wear and tear of bruxism, or teeth grinding. They are also commonly used as a dental implant restoration.

Dental crowns are relatively durable. They can last many years with proper care. However, they may need to be replaced at some point.

Dental crowns can be manufactured using porcelain, gold, or a combination of the two.

Dental bridges

Dental bridges are false teeth that bridge the gap between one or more missing teeth. The dental bridge consists of two dental crowns, one on each tooth on either side of the gap, and a false tooth in the middle. A dental bridge is a permanent dental restoration.

Dental inlays and onlays

Dental inlays and onlays is a type of restorative dentistry procedure that repairs decayed or damaged teeth. They are sometimes referred to as partial crowns.

Inlays repair damage to the chewing surfaces of back teeth, while onlays repair damage that extends to the cusps. Inlays and onlays are crafted from strong materials, such as porcelain or gold. The restorations are bonded to teeth.

Dental veneers

Dental veneers are one of the most versatile restorations we offer at our practice. They are able to cover everything from minor chips to major cosmetic issues. Veneers are also highly stain resistant, making them an ideal choice for our patients looking for an effective, durable, and natural-looking solution to their dental imperfections.

Orthodontic fillings

Orthodontic tooth fillings (also known as dental fillings) are dental restorations that restore chipped, decayed, damaged, or missing teeth. Dental fillings also restore tooth alignment, prevent tooth sensitivity, restore chewing function, and improve the appearance of your smile.

Dental implants

Dental crowns and bridges are traditional ways to replace missing teeth. However, dental implants are an excellent alternative. They are typically longer lasting, and they offer a more reliable way to replace missing teeth.

These metal posts replace the roots of missing teeth. They offer a strong, solid foundation for the rest of your teeth. The posts will fuse with your existing jawbone, creating a strong base for a dental crown, bridge, or full denture.

Dentists use a variety of fillings to restore teeth. Each type of filling has its own advantages that patients should consider when deciding which type of filling would work best for them.

Amalgam fillings have been used for more than a century. They are durable, strong, and relatively inexpensive. However, they are not aesthetically pleasing, so they are not a good choice if the filling will be seen by other people.


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