what is teeth whitening?

what is teeth whitening?

what is teeth whitening?

How teeth whitening works

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure that removes the stains from your teeth. As we age, our teeth naturally become darker and stained. Our teeth are also stained when we consume dark-colored beverages such as coffee, red wine, and tea. Over time, the enamel wears down, and this exposes the yellow-colored dentin underneath. Our teeth are also stained by the foods we eat.

Professional teeth whitening

There are many different types of teeth whitening solutions, from gels to whitening strips. However, the results can vary drastically, and at-home products can take a long time to show any results. A dentist can use professional teeth whitening products that can whiten your teeth by multiple shades in just one appointment.

At-home teeth whitening

At-home whitening products, which can be purchased from your dentist or over the counter, use carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide to whiten teeth. These products contain 10% to 22% of carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. When used, they can lighten teeth by 2 to 6 shades in most cases.

Custom whitening trays

Custom whitening trays are individually-made and paint-like trays that fit over your teeth. These trays are molded to your teeth using putty-like material. This material is placed over your teeth and then shaped to your teeth using a specialized tool.

Custom whitening trays allow whitening gel to be applied to your teeth more evenly. The trays help distribute the gel evenly and shield your gums from any irritation. Custom whitening trays also help prevent your teeth from becoming sensitive due to the whitening gel.

Teeth whitening toothpastes

Whitening toothpastes do not actually change the color of your teeth. They can remove extrinsic stains on the surface of your teeth. However, you will still need to visit your dentist for teeth whitening if you want to remove stains that have been embedded deep in your teeth.

Teeth whitening strips

Teeth whitening strips are thin, flexible plastic strips that are coated with a peroxide- or hydrogen peroxide- based gel. You wear them over your teeth for a short period of time each day, and after several weeks of treatment, you might see your teeth become several shades whiter.

Teeth whitening mouthwashes

Teeth whitening mouthwashes contain chemicals and abrasives that help improve your smile. These over-the-counter products can freshen your breath and help improve discoloration on the surface of your teeth.


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