Aftercare Tips For Dentures

Aftercare Tips For Dentures

Aftercare Tips For Dentures

A denture is a removable dental appliance that covers missing teeth. Dentures allow patients to chew and speak normally and maintain the shape of their faces. They are strong and able to replace all of your upper or lower teeth or just a few teeth.

There are two main types of dentures: full and partial. Full dentures replace an entire arch of missing teeth, and partial dentures replace just a few missing teeth in a row.

At our office, we provide both full and partial dentures. We start by fitting patients for dentures and making any necessary adjustments. Once the dentures are finished, patients come back to the office for a denture fitting.

Caring For Dentures

When you have new dentures, it’s important to take good care of them. Your dentures not only need to fit properly, but they need to stay clean as well. Here are some aftercare tips for your new dentures:

  • Caring for dentures is easy. In fact, caring for them is no different than caring for natural teeth. The best way to care for dentures is by brushing them twice a day and soaking them overnight. When brushing your dentures, be sure to use a soft-bristled brush. And, whatever you do, do not use any toothpaste on your dentures. Toothpaste is abrasive and can damage the finish.
  • When soaking your dentures, be sure to use denture cleaner. This will help prevent the development of stains and will also keep your dentures clean. We recommend soaking them overnight.
  • Do not wear your dentures to sleep. You may experience an unnatural bite and jaw movement, and this can affect your jaw and mouth.
  • Your dentures should be cleaned daily. Your dentist may recommend products to use for your dentures. To clean them, remove them from your mouth and rinse off the loose food particles with water. Clean your dentures with a denture brush or denture paste. Let them air dry and store them in denture solution or water.

If your dentures aren’t fitting properly, then you may need to have them adjusted or relined.

Need Help With Your Dentures?

While our dental team thoroughly explains your aftercare instructions, we understand it can be challenging to follow them completely. If you have an issue with your dentures, call our dental team. They can help you troubleshoot the issue and find a satisfactory solution.

To learn more about our dental services or schedule an appointment with us, call our dentist at (817) 924-6211 or visit our dental office located at 2469 Forest Park Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76110.


2469 Forest Park Blvd,
Fort Worth, TX 76110

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MON - TUE8:00 am - 5:00 pm

WED - THU7:00 am - 4:00 pm

FRI - SUNClosed