What is a Palatal obturator?

What is a Palatal obturator?

What is a Palatal obturator?

What is a palatal obturator?

A palatal obturator is a dental appliance used to correct an overbite. It is made up of four components:

Brackets – The brackets are bonded to the back of your teeth.

Tube – The tube fits over the brackets and connects them.

Buccal bow – The buccal bow attaches to the tube and provides an anchor for the appliance.

Elastic bands – Elastic bands fit around the back molars and hold the appliance in place.

Benefits of palatal obturators

Palatal obturators are removable dental prosthetics that are worn on the roof of your mouth. They prevent natural teeth from shifting into the space left by your missing molars.

These removable devices look like small plastic retainers and have metal clasps that connect to your natural teeth. They are custom-made to fit your mouth, so they will provide a snug fit.

Risks of palatal obturators

While a palatal obturator can be a useful option for treating sleep apnea, it can be associated with a number of risks. For example, since it is placed directly on the palate, it can damage the palate and teeth. It may also cause irritation to the palate if it is left in place for too long.

Another risk of a palatal obturator is that it can make it more difficult to eat and chew. The food will get stuck in the device, and it can be difficult to dislodge. In addition, it can affect your speech.

Placement of a palatal obturator

The palatal obturator fits inside the mouth, over the top molars. When a palatal obturator is fitted, it acts as a protective shield. It keeps food particles and other debris from getting into the teeth. It also keeps plaque from forming.

Tips for caring for a palatal obturator.

A palatal obturator is a piece of plastic that is used to keep a space open. It is placed on top of the tissue on the roof of the mouth. It is held in place with dental adhesive, which is applied to the top of the obturator and allowed to air dry.

A palatal obturator is a device used to restrict tongue movement during orthodontic treatment. A palatal obturator is custom made to fit over the roof of the mouth. The device is designed to fit snugly, but not interfere with breathing.


2469 Forest Park Blvd,
Fort Worth, TX 76110

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