Why Floss?

Why Floss?

Why Floss?

“Why should I floss?” is a question I often get asked as a hygienist. The answer is actually pretty simple. Most people don’t realize this, but your teeth actually have four sides. When brushing your teeth, only two sides of your teeth are getting cleaned- the front and the back. Therefore, when you choose not to floss your teeth, you are choosing to only clean two sides of your teeth instead of four.

Bacteria left unattended in your mouth feeds off of itself with the help of your saliva and food particles. This bacteria can make its way into your blood stream, which can lead to heart complications in the future. Flossing also helps with preventing bad breath. This may sound gross, but have you ever smelled a string of floss after using it? It’s not a very pleasant smell. Imagine leaving that in your mouth for days, weeks, or even months. If you struggle to floss daily, put a box of floss in a place you spend much of your time. For instance, if your job requires you to sit at a desk for most of the day, put some floss by your desk so that when you an extra minute, you can floss!

There are so many different kinds of floss. Pick one that motivates you to floss daily. For me, it’s flavored floss. I’ve recently grown to love Johnson & Johnson Reach Cleanburst Cinnamon waxed floss. Any floss that you can get between your teeth and which does not fray or break easily is good. If you are absolutely against flossing, there are alternative methods. My favorite is a Waterpik Waterflosser. It uses high-pressure water to clean out food particles and plaque from between your teeth


2469 Forest Park Blvd,
Fort Worth, TX 76110

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