types of sedation in dentistry

types of sedation in dentistry

types of sedation in dentistry

Nitrous oxide

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a colorless gas with a slightly sweet odor and taste. It is often used with the dental wand, a handheld device that delivers the solution as a gas. This sedation method is often used for children, and its effects wear off within minutes.

Oral sedation

Oral sedation involves taking an oral medication to relieve anxiety and keep you relaxed. You will need a driver to take you to and from your appointment, and you will need to have a companion with you for the rest of the day. Better yet, have a family member or friend stay with you overnight. Oral sedation wears off quickly, but you will need someone to drive you home.

IV sedation

You may already be familiar with nitrous oxide, a common form of dental sedation. However, IV sedation is a more advanced option that Dr. Williams may recommend for major procedures like root canals and wisdom teeth extractions.

IV sedation is administered directly into a patient’s bloodstream. Patients typically sleep through their procedure and don’t remember a thing. Unlike nitrous oxide, IV sedation isn’t an inhaled gas. Patients receive medications before, during, and after their procedures.

General anesthesia

General anesthesia is used during invasive procedures or for patients that are extremely anxious or fearful. During this procedure, the patient is completely unconscious and unaware of anything going on. Though rare, sometimes patients will fall into a deeper sleep state and may not wake until the procedure is complete.

Deep sedation

Deep sedation is a type of conscious sedation, which is the strongest type of sedation widely available in dentistry. With deep sedation, the patient is asleep throughout the procedure. This can be useful for patients who are especially fearful of the dentist or those who have difficulty relaxing.

This level of sedation can be administered though use of oral sedative medication. Patients are carefully monitored throughout their procedure to ensure they are safe and that the sedation is effective.

Other methods

For patients who experience dental anxiety, there are other methods to help them feel comfortable. Nitrous oxide is non-addictive and takes effect within a few minutes. Oral sedation can also reduce anxiety, but patients will need to take it ahead of time. Inhalation sedation is good for immediate treatment of fear, and can be combined with oral sedation.

Which sedation method is best for me?

There are several types of sedation in dentistry, and your sedation dentist can help determine which method is best for you.

Oral sedation involves taking a pill about an hour before your appointment. The pill will make you feel very relaxed, and you may not remember much of your appointment. Oral sedation is often combined with nitrous oxide or inhalation sedation.

Intravenous (IV) sedation involves receiving medications through a vein. IV sedation works very quickly, and it can also reduce pain.


There are three types of sedation used in dentistry:

Intravenous sedation (IV sedation)

Oral sedation

Nitrous oxide (laughing gas)

Intravenous sedation (IV sedation)

This sedation method is used when a patient needs moderate or deep sedation. In this type of sedation, the sedative drug, anxiolysis, is injected directly to the vein in the patient’s hand or arm. This method allows the dentist to manage the amount of sedation administered to the patient.

Sedation is induced when IV sedation is administered, so the patient will feel extremely relaxed. A patient who is under IV sedation does not remember much about the procedure. Patients may feel groggy for a few hours after the procedure.


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